New NTCA Workshop Topic: The Ins and Outs of Layout
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Posted by: Trish Moss
It has become apparent to NTCA through its trainers and those taking the Certified Tile Installer (CTI) exam, that the essential skill of layout is not always well honed in tile and stone contractors. So this year, NTCA decided to add an additional workshop topic to its roster: “The Ins and Outs of Layout.”
A layout can make or break the finished appearance of a tile installation. The Ins and Outs of Layout reviews the basics of layout including squaring a room and how to determine the focal point of the room to properly center and balance the tile installation. Many contractors today have not used grid patterns so the course reviews how grid patterns are created and the importance of them in the tile installation process.
NTCA’s Ins and Outs of Layout presentation introduces the audience to a variety of layout situations. It features techniques to analyze a room for shape and dimensions, determine if the walls are square to each other and the effect this will have on the tile layout and finished appearance of the tile installation.
This topic will be presented at live in-person and virtual online workshops. Following the live in-person workshop presentation, NTCA trainers will facilitate audience participation with hands-on demonstrations and layout challenges involving a typical tile shower, fireplace and bathroom. After the virtual online workshop presentation, NTCA trainers will share video demonstrations of the tips and techniques explained during the presentation. During both, the live and virtual presentations, attendees are given an opportunity to ask questions.
This workshop is open to union and open-shop contractors, architects, designers, specifiers and other industry members. Attendees may register at the Free Educational Workshops/CEU link under the Education & Certification tab at